New painting! "Sky -Sora-"

So I finally finished up "Sky -Sora-" today. See the WIP under the finished image!

You might have a sneaking suspicion that this looks like another piece called "Winter." Well, it actually IS Winter... but after it was all finished, I thought it looked more like a "Sky" than "Winter." Maybe because I am longing to see the blue sky, since I've forgotten what it looks like due to this dratted WINTER. Maybe because I didn't think her skintone and kanzashi colors turned out pallid enough (nothing ever turns out quite like I expect... watercolor likes to surprise me.)

I did outline the crane in a golden pen I bought at Hobby Lobby. The point is really fine and it draws MARVELOUSLY well... then I saw it said "Made in Japan." No wonder! XD

Maybe I'll do a real "Winter" during the summer when I'm in a burning inferno of Oklahoma heat. Yes.

Studio Space! H@ll@!


How to get people to start taking your art seriously