SWEET STREET's #PrayForJapan Art Fundraiser - My Piece -

Sorry there have been no updates lately... it's been a rough week because of all the disaster in Japan. My grandmother, aunts and uncles, cousins, sister, and many great friends all live there now, so needless to say I was very stressed for their safety. However, every person I know there is safe. Thank heavens for that. It hurts my heart terribly to see my country suffering like this... but, I also know that the Japanese are some of the most industrious and determined people on earth; they make everything out of nothing; they have been ravaged by natural and man-made disasters, two atomic bombs, but nothing stops them from speeding ahead and becoming the best at anything they do. I love Japan!

I'm glad I had the opportunity to put my art into action and donate a piece to SWEET STREET's #PrayForJapan Art Fundraiser taking place at JapanLA in Hollywood. I worked madly quick because I knew the longer I took, the higher the price would be to ship UP$. (It ended up costing $112, BAH!) Oh well. It's part of my contribution to the Red Cross.

The piece is 16x20, mixed media + gold leaf on canvas. She is called "Indomitable -Fukutsu-" because that is what I feel characterizes Japan.

Beautiful, delicate, sweet... yet fearless, calm, and rising out of any disaster. I hope she fetches a good price for a nice donation to the Red Cross. Thanks to all the LA galleries who are holding fundraisers for Japan!!!

Boy-faced Girls


How to scan my large paintings?