I'd Kill Everyone On This Earth For You

"I'd Kill Everyone On This Earth For You" by JUURI
Digital collage of hand-painted elements | 24 x 24" (61 x 61 cm) | Prints available here

I'm sorry that instead of a typical expression

My utterance is only:

"I'd kill everyone on this earth for you."

Lifted from the words of a captain, for his daughter but

that's how I say, I'd follow you into death.

Ridiculous, ludicrous, foolish I know

Strong words from a fragile mouth, bare frame

To someone who really doesn't

Need any help at all.


Before I can kill anyone, I'll most likely be

Killed myself.

And the only fire left will be the one that heats the scarlet trickle

But that's alright with me.

This is a new piece which I made on location in New York City. I love making art when I travel, because I find fresh new influences and emotions that I don't know when I'm at home. 

The painting is beautiful yet violent; the female figure is both opulently arrayed with brilliant blue Hoopoe birds, and yet vulnerable and bare. Her gaze is unaffected and nonchalant... as if she is bleeding out from the neck as a matter of unavoidable (yet not wholly unexpected) circumstances.

I'd love to hear what this piece represents to you.


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