Antony Micallef's Crazy and Splendid Work

Sometimes I notice the big gap between the work that I must produce to fulfill my soul as an artist, and the work I like, or would like to purchase. They aren't the same. It's interesting to explore the disconnect. Today I was reminded by Arrested Motion about UK artist ANTONY MICALLEF. His work is the type that I LOVE. I'd love to fill my house with his work. He seems to be an artist from the depths of his being, sort of like the way David Choe is. This shot of him working in his wonderfully messy studio inspires me to no ends. I wish I could be like that. So messy, stuff everywhere, nothing in the way of one's creativity and spontaneity. Someday, someday, I will work like this when my studio isn't part of my day job's office. :P

So here's his work that makes me lose my mind and loosen my purse-strings.


Upcoming Group Exhibition: Get the Lead Out III in Seattle


Nathan Presley's Haunting Photography