Giant Robot 2's Post It Show 8 in Los Angeles!

Guh! I'd forgotten all about Post It Show 8 until not that long ago, so here I am getting some pretty post-its done at the last minute (again.) I had soooooo much fun with these, though. They are on the theme of "mythological creatures + girls" that I've been in a frenzy of lately.

Info about the show is here. Hope you LA people can attend and snatch up some great mini-sized art for $25 per piece! Wahooze!

I made three. They are all colored pencil + white graphite on pink post-its. Gold pen accents.

"Little Medusa." This was when she only had one snake in her hair and she wasn't ugly. (I made this up.)

"Cerberus' Ward" She's howling alongside her three-headed doggy master.

"Fauna" A girl faun. ;)


First Print Release of 2013: “The Standing Death of Ben-Kei St. Sebastian”


New Work: "Despot"