Girls With Arrows Through Their Hearts

"Boldest of the Marred" by JUURI | 2015

I've been attracted to the arrow-in-the-heart theme since college. To me it represents

- Of unfulfilled dreams.
- Of my own limitations.
- Of human cruelty.
- Of unjust suffering.

"The Rapturous Agony" by JUURI | 2014
- Of beauty and calm amidst great hardship
- Of never giving up no matter what
- Of turning pain into victory instead of defeat
- Of a rejoicing in suffering, facing it courageously instead of running

"Duty" by JUURI | 2014
- Of doing what you must, even when it hurts
- Of Cupid's Arrow... both a blessing and curse
- Of the consequences of my own actions
- Of loneliness, and missing good friends or places

"Cupid's Curse III" by JUURI | 2014

A paradox:
- Am I a strong or weak person?
- Do I work hard to achieve my goals, or am I lazy?
- Do I try to protect myself, or do I sacrifice my own safety for other things?
- How is it that they are all true at the same time?

What does the arrow-girl (or boy) mean to you? Do you see anything in your psyche in the painting? I'd love to know!

<3 J

Inspirations from Vienna


5 Scariest JUURI Pieces